SNCB is committed to make the website and mobile applications accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Our technical teams do their very best to comply as far as possible with the WCAG 2.1 standard level AA, in accordance with the law of 19/07/2018 on the accessibility of public authorities' websites and mobile applications (french version).

This declaration relates to the website.

Compliance level

This website partially complies with level A of the WCAG 2.1 standard.

Inaccessible content

  • Certain parts and components of the website do not yet respect the rules of this standard.
  • PDF files can cause problems with accessibility.
  • Alternative texts are missing on images, videos, urls, captcha and pdf documents.
  • The use of title tags (H1-H6) is not optimal on some pages.
  • Contrast ratios need to be improved.
  • Contact forms are not optimised for accessibility.
  • Some tools hosted on the site are external content managed by third parties.

We foresee improvement on the site in the mid-term. The content identified as non-compliant is usually linked to an alternative accessible on the same web page. If this alternative does not exist, we ask you to contact us using the form at the bottom of this page in order to optimise accessibility.

Accessibilty test

The accessibility of the website was evaluated by the BOSA Accessibility Check tool (french version). We also work closely with AnySurfer for all aspects of accessibility for the visually impaired.

The latest report of the FPS BOSA on the simplified control of digital accessibility dates from 17/08/2020.  

Do you have a question or comment about the accessibility declaration? Contact us using this dedicated form.