Within the framework of the European Whistleblowing Directive and the Belgian Whistleblowing Act, an internal reporting channel has been established within SNCB to report breaches of laws or regulations or internal procedures within SNCB as a whistleblower. More information about SNCB's whistleblowing procedure, confidentiality of reports, protection as a whistleblower and protection of your data can be found here (French version).

The internal reporting channel will only handle reports (integrity violations) under the whistleblowing procedure. Complaints about services, train tickets or questions about your itinerary or connections will not be answered, for that you have to contact customer service.

You can contact SNCB's internal reporting channel in different ways:

  • By e-mail: [email protected]
  • By letter: Compliance & Investigation Office (B.11) Rue de France 56, 1060 Brussels

It is important to include in your report as much information as possible about the alleged breach of legislation or internal procedures within SNCB. We ask you to include at least the following details: your (working) relationship with SNCB or the body concerned, a description of the breach, where the breach took place and when the breach occurred. Your data will only be accessible to the persons authorised to handle your report.

More information about how SNCB handles your data can be found here.
