Scope of application

These regulations apply to all areas in the station and its associated buildings (the station building, the platforms, access areas to the platforms, on the tracks and access areas approaching the station, gangways under the rails and walkways, waiting areas and sanitary installations, car parks and bike parks).

General prohibitions

The law of 27 April 2018 governing the transport police sets out a series of obligations and prohibitions that each individual is required to observe as a user of the station.

Any breach of these obligations or prohibitions shall result in penalties. Depending on the identified breach, the perpetrator shall be sanctioned either by means of an administrative fine, which may be between 50 and 300 euros, or by a criminal prosecution, which may end in a penalty fine or imprisonment.

This law may be viewed on the web site of the Belgian Official Journal.

The use of any means of transport* in the stations and platforms is prohibited. Only if you walk next to your bike, scooter or other means of transport* you can continue your journey in the stations, in the carriages and on the platforms. Exception: means of transport or equipment (e.g. wheelchair) intended for the movement of persons with reduced mobility are permitted. Non-compliance with these regulations may lead to an administrative sanction according to the Railways Police Act of 27 April 2018 (article 9.5).
*Non-exhaustive list of means of transport: bicycles, scooters, steps, roller skates, skateboards, inline skates,...

Access to the platforms

Other than the assumptions set out in article 14§2 of the law governing transport police of 27 April 2018, the urban or suburban station platforms are also accessible for cultural reasons (visits, photography, etc.). For operational or safety reasons, such access may be restricted and, exclusively where this is the case, the assumptions set out by the law shall exclusively apply.

Lost property

In case you should lose property in a station, please inform SNCB as promptly as possible at the ticket office or using this form.

SNCB maintains registers of luggage and lost, abandoned or unretrieved property, and records requests of lost property. This allows it to effectively help you to recover your lost property.

If SNCB is successful in identifying the lost property and its owner, the latter shall be informed. It will then be possible to retrieve the property either at the station where the property was left (a flat-rate fee shall be levied) or to have the property delivered to your home. In the case of the latter, SNCB calls on the services of a third-party courier company. Their costs shall be charged to the owner of the lost property.

Upon expiry of a period of 50 calendar days without the property having been retrieved or its owner identified, SNCB shall be entitled to hand on the property to a company with which it has entered into a recycling contract.

Specific prohibitions in relation to Brussels-Central station

For reasons of safety on the platforms, you are not authorised to load bicycles onto trains in this station.

Incidents and fire

In case of an incident or if in a situation requiring the intervention of the emergency services, call 0800 30230 or the emergency numbers 100 or 112.

The instructions given by members of staff of the railway or emergency services must be observed in all instances.
