From 11 December 2022, there will be 9 trains a day in each direction between Charleroi and Maubeuge (8 on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays), with intermediate stops in Marchienne-Zone, Landelies, Hourpes, Thuin, Lobbes, Fontaine-Valmont, Labuissière, Solre-sur-Sambre, Erquelinnes-Village, Erquelinnes. From Maubeuge there are regular connections to Aulnoye-Aymeries, Saint-Quentin, Compiègne and Paris Nord available from SNCB International.

The train service that connects Mons and Aulnoye-Aymeries will be suspended.

Travel to Maubeuge or Aulnoye-Aymeries from Namur, Charleroi or Mons for a reduced fare.

Twice a day, in both directions, either a morning train or an evening train, on weekdays and at weekends, travel with ease beyond the border to the Hauts-de-France region in North East France.

Discover Maubeuge, its millenial past, its astonishing history and sporting, cultural and historical activities. Visit the ruins of the Fortifications of Vauban, the Zoological Park or the Fort de la Salamagne.

Stroll through Aulnoye-Aymeries, this town in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of l'Avesnois, meadowland lined with hedgerow, forests of deciduous trees, orchards and flowers, meandering rivers, waterside windmills, gastronomy... a 'green' destination and just a stone's throw from Belgium.

In les Hauts-de-France, filled waffles, bêtises de Cambrai sweets and le Maroilles cheese are the essence of good food. Don't miss out!
A light-hearted book "L’extraordinaire voyage de Gaston au pays des villes fortifiées" ('The extraordinary voyage of Gaston to the country of fortified cities') is available at the tourist office of Maubeuge. This booklet, aimed at children aged 7 to 12, pays honour to the diversity of the heritage of the North Pas-de-Calais in a fun discovery rally.
More info?

Our range of tickets to and from Maubeuge and Aulnoye-Aymeries

Standard Ticket, Kids Ticket, Weekend Ticket, Senior TIcket or Youth Ticket
Buy your tickets online at SNCB International.
International bike ticket
For your non-folding bike
To the cycle paths of Hauts-de-France.