A coupon or voucher may be given out by retailers or businesses close to the car park. These retailers or businesses specify the terms and conditions under which they may be obtained. The coupon or voucher is similar in format to that of a parking ticket.

  • coupons or vouchers are processed exclusively by the car park's automated ticket machines
  • if the value of the coupon or voucher is greater than the price of the parking being paid for, the excess credit is not refunded
  • you are allowed to use multiple coupons or vouchers for the same parking ticket
  • the coupon or voucher has a valid until date

Coupons or vouchers can only be used in conjunction with a valid parking ticket.

  • first of all, insert the parking ticket into the yellow slot at the payment terminal
  • the amount to pay is displayed on the screen of the automatic ticket machine
  • insert one or more coupons or vouchers into the yellow slot into which which you just inserted the parking ticket
  • the amount to pay is reduced by the value of the coupon or voucher
  • if there is still a balance to pay, you can pay for this using a bank card
  • after you have finished making payment, you can retrieve your vehicle and leave the car park