Direction Finances


The Finance Directorate is responsible for 4 main remits, which are:

  • The management of cash flow and financing;
  • Organising and keeping accounts;
  • Controlling management, accounts receivable and accounts payable;
  • Supporting the achievement of SNCB goals through its procurement division: Procurement & Investment, which supports SNCB in attaining its objectives.

Within this context, it regularly reports to the company's Management on the trend of financial data and is responsible for the observance of statutory obligations in accounting and taxation matters.

It also collaborates with other SNCB services and directorates, for example, by assisting them in the preparation of operating budgets or even in drawing up management indicators.

This directorate is also responsible for the procurement division of SNCB: Procurement & Investments, which supports SNCB in attaining its objectives.

Lastly, it is responsible for the adequate financing of the company's business activities by taking out loans or investing any excess cash flow, and does so on the most favourable financial terms.


  • Managing operating budgets and investments
  • Monitoring the trend in operating results and drawing up forecasts in the form of a budget
  • Managing cash flow (managing short-term cash flow)
  • Organising and keeping accounts
  • Controlling the management of accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Drawing up the annual accounts
  • Procurement
  • Investment
Purchase order


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