Parking Schaerbeek P1


Hoofdingang Avenue Monplaisir, 1030 Brussels Kiss & Ride: / Acces 24/7
Open air parking No height restrictions Permitted
60 parking places 2 parking places 0 Cambio places

Prices train passengers Prices non train passengers
Ticket from Monday till Friday (from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.) Per hour: € 1,32
Max/24h: € 7,92
Per hour: € 2,64
Max/24h: € 26,40
Ticket from Monday till Friday (from 7 p.m. till 8 a.m.) Max/night (12h): € 1,32 Max/night (12h): € 1,32
Weekend and holiday tickets Per hour: € 0,66
Max/24h: € 3,96
Per hour: € 2,64
Max/24h: € 26,40
Ticket 1 day from Monday till Friday(1)
(valid one day till the last train)
€ 7,92 /
Ticket 1 day weekend and holiday(1)
(valid one day till the last train)
€ 3,96 /
Season tickets 24/7

1 month: € 37,80
3 months: € 105,80
12 months: € 378

Visitors Train World (every day)
Have your parking ticket validated at the reception
Per hour: € 1,32
Max € 3,96 for the first 4 hours
then normal rate
Lost ticket fee
€ 50

(1) Parking Auto Ticket 1 day is only sold via the SNCB app.
Launch offer for Parking Auto Ticket 1 day: the weekend and public holiday fare also applies on weekdays from Monday to Friday.

All rates are mentioned for information purposes and are subject to change. Only the rates displayed on the totem pole at the entrance to each car park are applicable.


Product Availability
Tickets Available (with bank card)
10-Admission card Non available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Train passengers Available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Non train passengers Non available
Season tickets with garanteed space - Train passengers Available
Season tickets with garanteed space - Non train passengers Non available
Night-time season tickets Non available