Parking Mons P2

Hoofdingang Av. Melina Mercouri, 7000 Mons  Kiss & Ride: 15 min
 Access 24/7
 Underground parking  Height restrictions: 2,10m   LPG not permitted 
 360 parking places  0 parking places   0 Cambio places

  Prices train-passengers Prices non-train passengers
Ticket from Monday to Friday Per hour: € 1,32
Max/24h: € 7,92   
Per hour: € 2,07
Max/24h: € 20,70
Ticket weekend and holiday Per hour: € 0,66
Max/24h: € 3,96
Per hour: € 2,07
Max/24h: € 20,70
10-Admission card € 26,40 /
Season tickets 1 month: € 24
3 months: € 67,20
12 months: € 240
1 month: € 64,80
 Night-time season tickets (*) 1 month: € 40,10
3 months: € 112,30
1 month: € 40,10
3 months: € 112,30
 Lost ticket fee  € 25

(*) Valid every weekday between 7 pm and 7 am, as well as every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday.

All parking rates are subject to change. In case of disputes, only the rates stated on the totem at the entrance apply.

Product Availability
Tickets Available
10-Admission card Available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Train passengers
Not available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Non-Train passengers
Not available
Season tickets with garanteed space - Train passengers Available
Season tickets with garanteed space - Non-Train passengers Available
Night-time season tickets Available

Parking Mons P4

Hoofdingang Bld Charles Quint, 7000 Mons  Kiss & Ride: 15 min  Access 24/7 
 Open air parking
 No height restrictions
 LPG Permitted
 475 places
 6 spaces for disabled people  5 Cambio spaces

  Prices train-passengers Prices non-train passengers
Ticket from Monday to Friday Per hour: € 1,32
Max/24h: € 7,92   
Per hour: € 2,07
Max/24h: € 20,70
Ticket weekend and holiday Per hour: € 0,66
Max/24h: € 3,96
Per hour: € 2,07
Max/24h: € 20,70
Ticket 1 day from Monday to Friday * € 7,92 
Ticket 1 day weekends and bank holidays *  € 3,96 
10-Admission card € 26,40 /
Season tickets 1 month: € 24
3 months: € 67,20
12 months: € 240
1 month: € 64,80
 Night-time season tickets (**) 1 month: € 40,10
3 months: € 112,30
1 month: € 40,10
3 months: € 112,30
 Lost ticket fee  € 25

(*) Parking Auto Ticket 1 day is only sold via the SNCB app.
Launch offer for Parking Auto Ticket 1 day: the weekend and public holiday fare also applies on weekdays from Monday to Friday.

(**) Valid every weekday between 7 pm and 7 am, as well as every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday.

All parking rates are subject to change. In case of disputes, only the rates stated on the totem at the entrance apply.

Product Availability
Tickets Available
10-Admission card Available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Train passenger Available
Parking Auto Ticket 1 day - Non-Train passenger  Not available 
Season tickets with guaranteed space - Train passengers Available
Season tickets with guaranteed space - Non-Train passengers Available
Night-time season tickets Available