Have you ordered a MoBIB card via sncb.be, but still haven't received it?

Try these possible solutions first:
  • Will the expected delivery take less than 7 days? Then check if your personal data and address in My SNCB are correct. If your season ticket period has already started, we advise you to buy a ticket for your journey online. This ticket must have your name on it and must correspond to the route of your season ticket. You can request a refund for it via the refund form.
  • Will the expected delivery take more than 7 days and is your personal data correct? Then ask for the status of your order at the ticket counter of your station.
If you still haven't received your MoBIB card 10 days after the proposed delivery date, you can complete the form below.

We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are including an attachment with your request, please check that the filename does not include any special characters (e.g. &, é, ", §, -, _, [, ^). (*) Required fields

We treat your data as personal. Click here for our data protection policy.

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